assertOk ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 200 "OK" status code.
assertCreated ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 201 "Created" status code.
assertAccepted ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 202 "Accepted" status code.
assertNoContent ( $status ) : $this
Assert that the response has the given status code and no content.
- $status int
assertMovedPermanently ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 301 "Moved Permanently" status code.
assertFound ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 302 "Found" status code.
assertNotModified ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 304 "Not Modified" status code.
assertTemporaryRedirect ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 307 "Temporary Redirect" status code.
assertPermanentRedirect ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 308 "Permanent Redirect" status code.
assertBadRequest ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 400 "Bad Request" status code.
assertUnauthorized ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 401 "Unauthorized" status code.
assertPaymentRequired ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 402 "Payment Required" status code.
assertForbidden ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 403 "Forbidden" status code.
assertNotFound ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 404 "Not Found" status code.
assertMethodNotAllowed ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 405 "Method Not Allowed" status code.
assertNotAcceptable ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 406 "Not Acceptable" status code.
assertRequestTimeout ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 408 "Request Timeout" status code.
assertConflict ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 409 "Conflict" status code.
assertGone ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 410 "Gone" status code.
assertUnsupportedMediaType ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 415 "Unsupported Media Type" status code.
assertUnprocessable ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 422 "Unprocessable Entity" status code.
assertTooManyRequests ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 429 "Too Many Requests" status code.
assertInternalServerError ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 500 "Internal Server Error" status code.
assertServiceUnavailable ( ) : $this
Assert that the response has a 503 "Service Unavailable" status code.