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Many aspects of this library's behavior can be tweaked using configuration options.

You can provide an array of configuration options to the Environment or converter classes when creating them:

$config = [
    'renderer' => [
        'block_separator' => "\n",
        'inner_separator' => "\n",
        'soft_break'      => "\n",
    'commonmark' => [
        'enable_em' => true,
        'enable_strong' => true,
        'use_asterisk' => true,
        'use_underscore' => true,
        'unordered_list_markers' => ['-', '*', '+'],
    'html_input' => 'escape',
    'allow_unsafe_links' => false,
    'max_nesting_level' => PHP_INT_MAX,
    'slug_normalizer' => [
        'max_length' => 255,

If you're using the basic CommonMarkConverter or GithubFlavoredMarkdown classes, simply pass the configuration array into the constructor:

use League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter;
use League\CommonMark\GithubFlavoredMarkdownConverter;

$converter = new CommonMarkConverter($config);
// or
$converter = new GithubFlavoredMarkdownConverter($config);

Otherwise, if you're using MarkdownConverter to customize the extensions in your parser, pass the configuration into the Environment's constructor instead:

use League\CommonMark\Environment\Environment;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\InlinesOnly\InlinesOnlyExtension;
use League\CommonMark\MarkdownConverter;

// Here's where we set the configuration array:
$environment = new Environment($config);

// TODO: Add any/all the extensions you wish; for example:
$environment->addExtension(new InlinesOnlyExtension());

// Go forth and convert you some Markdown!
$converter = new MarkdownConverter($environment);

Here's a list of the core configuration options available:

  • renderer - Array of options for rendering HTML
    • block_separator - String to use for separating renderer block elements
    • inner_separator - String to use for separating inner block contents
    • soft_break - String to use for rendering soft breaks
  • html_input - How to handle HTML input. Set this option to one of the following strings:
    • strip - Strip all HTML (equivalent to 'safe' => true)
    • allow - Allow all HTML input as-is (default value; equivalent to `'safe' => false)
    • escape - Escape all HTML
  • allow_unsafe_links - Remove risky link and image URLs by setting this to false (default: true)
  • max_nesting_level - The maximum nesting level for blocks (default: PHP_INT_MAX). Setting this to a positive integer can help protect against long parse times and/or segfaults if blocks are too deeply-nested.
  • slug_normalizer - Array of options for configuring how URL-safe slugs are created; see the slug normalizer docs for more details
    • instance - An alternative normalizer to use (defaults to the included SlugNormalizer)
    • max_length - Limits the size of generated slugs (defaults to 255 characters)
    • unique - Controls whether slugs should be unique per 'document' (default) or per 'environment'; can be disabled with false

Additional configuration options are available for most of the available extensions - refer to their individual documentation for more details. For example, the CommonMark core extension offers these additional options:

  • commonmark - Array of options for configuring the CommonMark core extension:
    • enable_em - Disable <em> parsing by setting to false; enable with true (default: true)
    • enable_strong - Disable <strong> parsing by setting to false; enable with true (default: true)
    • use_asterisk - Disable parsing of * for emphasis by setting to false; enable with true (default: true)
    • use_underscore - Disable parsing of _ for emphasis by setting to false; enable with true (default: true)
    • unordered_list_markers - Array of characters that can be used to indicate a bulleted list (default: ["-", "*", "+"])


The configuration is ultimately passed to (and managed via) the Environment. If you're creating your own Environment, simply pass your config array into its constructor instead.

Learn more about customizing the Environment

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