Table of Contents Extension

The TableOfContentsExtension automatically inserts a table of contents into your document with links to the various headings.

The Heading Permalink extension must also be included for this to work.


This extension is bundled with league/commonmark. This library can be installed via Composer:

composer require league/commonmark

See the installation section for more details.


Configure your Environment as usual and simply add the TableOfContentsExtension and HeadingPermalinkExtension provided by this package:

use League\CommonMark\Environment\Environment;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\CommonMark\CommonMarkCoreExtension;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\HeadingPermalink\HeadingPermalinkExtension;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\TableOfContents\TableOfContentsExtension;
use League\CommonMark\MarkdownConverter;

// Define your configuration, if needed
// Extension defaults are shown below
// If you're happy with the defaults, feel free to remove them from this array
$config = [
    'table_of_contents' => [
        'html_class' => 'table-of-contents',
        'position' => 'top',
        'style' => 'bullet',
        'min_heading_level' => 1,
        'max_heading_level' => 6,
        'normalize' => 'relative',
        'placeholder' => null,

// Configure the Environment with all the CommonMark parsers/renderers
$environment = new Environment($config);
$environment->addExtension(new CommonMarkCoreExtension());

// Add the two extensions
$environment->addExtension(new HeadingPermalinkExtension());
$environment->addExtension(new TableOfContentsExtension());

// Instantiate the converter engine and start converting some Markdown!
$converter = new MarkdownConverter($environment);
echo $converter->convert('# Awesome!');


This extension can be configured by providing a table_of_contents array with several nested configuration options. The defaults are shown in the code example above.


The value of this nested configuration option should be a string that you want set as the <ul> or <ol> tag's class attribute. This defaults to 'table-of-contents'.


This should be a string that defines one of three different strategies to use when generating a (potentially-nested) list from your various headings:

  • 'flat'
  • 'as-is'
  • 'relative' (default)

See "Normalization Strategies" below for more information.


This string controls where in the document your table of contents will be placed. There are two options:

  • 'top' (default) - Insert at the very top of the document, before any content
  • 'before-headings' - Insert just before the very first heading - useful if you want to have some descriptive text show above the table of content.
  • 'placeholder' - Location is manually defined by a user-provided placeholder somewhere in the document (see the placeholder option below)

If you'd like to customize this further, you can implement a custom event listener to locate the TableOfContents node and reposition it somewhere else in the document prior to rendering.


When combined with 'position' => 'placeholder', this setting tells the extension which placeholder content should be replaced with the Table of Contents. For example, if you set this option to [TOC], then any lines in your document consisting of that [TOC] placeholder will be replaced by the Table of Contents. Note that this option has no default value - you must provide this string yourself.


This string option controls what style of HTML list should be used to render the table of contents:

  • 'bullet' (default) - Unordered, bulleted list (<ul>)
  • 'ordered' - Ordered list (<ol>)

min_heading_level and max_heading_level

These two settings control which headings should appear in the list. By default, all 6 levels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). You can override this by setting the min_heading_level and/or max_heading_level to a different number (int value).

Normalization Strategies

Consider this sample Markdown input:

## Level 2 Heading

This is a sample document that starts with a level 2 heading

#### Level 4 Heading

Notice how we went from a level 2 heading to a level 4 heading!

### Level 3 Heading

And now we have a level 3 heading here.

Here's how the different normalization strategies would handle this input:

Strategy: 'flat'

All links in your table of contents will be shown in a flat, single-level list:

<ul class="table-of-contents">
        <p><a href="#level-2-heading">Level 2 Heading</a></p>
        <p><a href="#level-4-heading">Level 4 Heading</a></p>
        <p><a href="#level-3-heading">Level 3 Heading</a></p>

<!-- The rest of the content would go here -->

Strategy: 'as-is'

Level 1 headings (<h1>) will appear on the first level of the list, with level 2 headings (<h2>) nested under those, and so forth - exactly as they occur within the document. But this can get weird if your document doesn't start with level 1 headings, or it doesn't properly nest the levels:

<ul class="table-of-contents">
                <p><a href="#level-2-heading">Level 2 Heading</a></p>
                                <p><a href="#level-4-heading">Level 4 Heading</a></p>
                        <p><a href="#level-3-heading">Level 3 Heading</a></p>

<!-- The rest of the content would go here -->

Strategy: 'relative'

Applies nesting, but handles edge cases (like incorrect nesting levels) as you'd expect:

<ul class="table-of-contents">
        <p><a href="#level-2-heading">Level 2 Heading</a></p>
                <p><a href="#level-4-heading">Level 4 Heading</a></p>
                <p><a href="#level-3-heading">Level 3 Heading</a></p>

<!-- The rest of the content would go here -->
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