
Configuration for the project should be add to daleel.php file in the working directory. If you want to use a different file name, you can pass the name using --config switch when running the generator.

./vendor/bin/daleel build --config=custom.php

Sample configuration

use KalimahApps\Daleel\Config;

$config = Config::getInstance();
		'output_path'    => './build',
		'title'          => 'Daleel',
		'favicon'        => './media/favicon.ico',
		'logo'           => './media/logo.png',
		'footer'         => array(
			'Hello from footer',
		'base_path'      => '',
		'social_links' => array(),
		'main'           => array(
			'subtitle' => 'Generate beautiful documentation for your PHP projects.',
			'buttons'  => array(
					'label' => 'Get Started',
					'link'  => '/1.0/introduction.html',
					'label' => 'GitHub',
					'link'  => '',
		'latest_version' => '1.0',
		'versions'       => array(
			'1.0' => array()

Top-level configuration

These configuration options are relevant to the whole project.


The path to the output directory. This is where the generated files will be saved. The path is relative to the working directory.

Default: build


The title of the project. It will be used in areas like the home page, the page title, and sidebar.

Default: ''


The path to the favicon file. The path should be relative to the working directory.

Default: null

The path to the logo file. The path should be relative to the working directory.

Default: null


If set to true, the generated URLs will be clean. For example, instead of /1.0/introduction.html, the URL will be /1.0/introduction. This is useful if you want to remove the .html extension from the URLs and let the web server handle the extension.

Default: false

Add custom HTML to the <head> tag.

Default: null


'head' => '<meta name="description" content="Daleel is a PHP documentation generator. It both generates documentation from PHP source code and also from Markdown files. It creates a beautiful documentation website for your project.">',

The footer text. It should be an array of strings. Each string will be displayed in a separate line. You can use HTML tags in the strings.

Default: array()


If documentation is not in the root directory of the project, you can set the base path here. The path should be relative to the domain root. For example, if the documentation is in, then the base path should be docs.

Default: null


An array of properties related to the main page. The main page is the home page of the documentation.


The subtitle of the main page. It will be displayed below the title.

Default: ''


An array of buttons to be displayed below the subtitle. Each button should be an array with two keys: label and link. The label key is the text of the button, and the link key is the link to the button. The link can be relative or absolute.

Default: array()


		'label' => 'Get Started',
		'link'  => '/1.0/introduction.html',
		'label' => 'GitHub',
		'link'  => '',

You can use {{latest_version}} tag in the link to build a link to the latest version. For example, if you want to build a link to the latest version of the introduction page, you can use /{{latest_version}}/introduction.html.

An array of social links to be displayed in the header. Each link should be an array with two keys: label and link. The label key is the tooltip title of the link, and the link is the href of the link.

'social_links' => array(
		'label' => 'GitHub',
		'link'  => 'LINK',
		'label' => 'Twitter',
		'link'  => 'LINK',

Daleel supports the following social links:

  • github
  • twitter
  • facebook
  • linkedin
  • youtube
  • instagram
  • discord
  • slack

Relevant icons will be displayed for each link.


The latest version of the project. This will be used to build link with the latest version.

Default: null

Version configuration

These configuration options are relevant to a specific version of the project. You can add as many versions as you want. versions is an array of versions. For example, if you want to add version 1.0 and 2.0, you can do it like this:

'versions' => array(
	'1.0' => array(
		'project_path' => '.',
		'docs_path' => './docs',
		'exclude' => array(),
		'search' => array(),
		'nav' => array(),
		'sidebar' => array(),
		'edit_url' => '',
	'2.0' => array(),

Version key can be any string. It will be used to build links to the version. For example, if you have a version 1.0, then the link to the version will be /1.0/, or if you have a version 2.x, then the link to the version will be /2.x/.


The path to the project directory (where PHP files are located). This is used to generate the API documentation. This can be a string representing the path relative to the working directory. Also, it can be an array of url and dir keys. If an array is used, the url should point to a remote zip file (currently supporting only GitHub), and the dir should point to the directory inside the repository.


	'project_path' => './src'


	'project_path' => array(
		'url' => '',
		'dir' => './src',

The above example will download the 10.x branch of Laravel framework from GitHub and then process the files inside the src directory.


Please note that you need to set either project_path or docs_path or both. If you don't set any of them, the generator will not generate any files.


The path to the documentation directory (where markdown files are located). This is used to generate the documentation pages. This can be a string representing the path relative to the working directory. Also, it can be an array of url and dir keys. If an array is used, the url should point to a remote zip file (currently supporting only GitHub), and the dir should point to the directory inside the repository.


	'docs_path' => './docs'


	'docs_path' => array(
		'url' => '',
		'dir' => './docs',

Please note that sidebar will be ignored if docs_path is not set.


Set the index page of the documentation. This is used to build the versions index. No need to add .md extension as it will be handled using clean_url configuration.

Default: ''


	'docs_index' => 'introduction'


Set the index page of the project. This is used to build the versions index. No need to add .md extension as it will be handled using clean_url configuration.

Default: ''


	'project_index' => 'KalimahApps'

Please note that docs_index has priority over project_index. If both are set, docs_index will be used.


The path to the assets directory. This is where static assets like images are located. The folder will be copied as is to the output directory. It is useful if you want to add images to the docs.

Default: null

'assets_path' => 'images'


An array of files and directories to be excluded from the documentation. The paths should be relative to the project directory. Glob patterns are not supported.

Default: array()


	'exclude' => array(

This is the configuration to enable algolia search. If you don't configure this, search will not be enabled.

First, you need to apply for access to the Algolia DocSearch program. Once you get access, you will get an app_id, api_key and index_name. You need to add these to the configuration. Example:

'search' => array(
	'options' => array(
		'app_id'     => 'APP ID',
		'api_key'    => 'API KEY',
		'index_name' => 'INDEX NAME',

An array of navigation links to be displayed in the header. Each link should be an array with two keys: label and link. The label key is the text of the link, and the link is the href of the link.

'nav' => array(
		'label' => 'Changelog',
		'link'  => 'changelog',
		'label' => 'Contributing',
		'link'  => 'contributing',

You can add a dropdown menu by adding a items to the array. The items key should be an array of links.

'nav' => array(
		'label' => 'Changelog',
		'link'  => 'changelog',
		'label' => 'Contributing',
		'link'  => 'contributing',
		'label' => 'Dropdown',
		'items' => array(
				'label' => 'Item 1',
				'link'  => 'item-1',
				'label' => 'Item 2',
				'link'  => 'item-2',

Please note that nav only supports one level of dropdown menu.

An array of arrays. Each array represents a sidebar section. Each section should have a label and items keys. The label key is the title of the section, and the items key is an array of links. Each link should have a label and link keys. The label key is the text of the link, and the link is the href of the link.

'sidebar' => array(
		'label' => 'Section 1',
		'items' => array(
				'label' => 'Item 1',
				'link'  => 'item-1',
				'label' => 'Item 2',
				'link'  => 'item-2',
		'label' => 'Section 2',
		'items' => array(
				'label' => 'Item 1',
				'link'  => 'item-1',
				'label' => 'Item 2',
				'link'  => 'item-2',

Please note that while there is no limit on nesting sections in the sidebar, it might not look good if you have too many nested sections.


Please note that sidebar will be ignored if docs_path is not set.


The URL to the edit page of the documentation. This will be used to build the edit link in the footer. The URL should point to the root of the repository.

Default: null


'edit_url' => 'Link to the root of the repository'


A notice to be displayed in the header. It can be used to display a warning message to the users. For example if the documentation is not complete yet or if it is an old version.

It is an array with two keys: type and text. The type key can be tip, warning, info or danger. The text key is the text of the notice and can contain HTML.

Default: null


'notice' => array(
	'type' => 'warning',
	'message' => 'This is a warning message',

You can use {{latest_version}} tag in the text to build a link to the latest version. For example, if you want to build a link to the latest version of the introduction page, you can use /{{latest_version}}/introduction.html.


Google Analytics tracking ID. If added, Google Analytics will be enabled.

Default: null


'gtag' => 'UA-xxxxxxxxx-x'
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