trait Illuminate / Foundation / Bus / Dispatchable
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public static

dispatch ( $arguments ) : PendingDispatch

Dispatch the job with the given arguments.

public static

dispatchIf ( $boolean , $arguments ) : PendingDispatch |Fluent

Dispatch the job with the given arguments if the given truth test passes.


  • $boolean bool
  • $arguments mixed
public static

dispatchUnless ( $boolean , $arguments ) : PendingDispatch |Fluent

Dispatch the job with the given arguments unless the given truth test passes.


  • $boolean bool
  • $arguments mixed
public static

dispatchSync ( $arguments ) : mixed

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.

deprecated public static

dispatchNow ( $arguments ) : mixed

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.

public static

dispatchAfterResponse ( $arguments ) : mixed

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler after the current process.

public static

withChain ( $chain ) : PendingChain

Set the jobs that should run if this job is successful.


  • $chain array